Our Top FAQ's, Answered

If these don't answer your specific question or needs then reach out to us!

Q1: What's it going to cost me?

There are so many different ways this can be answered. This is why we provide a $19 New Patient Website special that includes x-rays (if needed) and 1st adjustment. This is a way for ourselves to get to know you and you to get to know us. If we have any recommended care we'll access what every health insurance benefits you may have and create a structured plan to address your concerns. We are 100% transparent with a patient's financial responsibility before any continuing treatment begins so an informed decision can be made about their care. 

Q2: Do you take my insurance?

We are an in-network provider with many carriers. This list sometimes is changing for various reasons. You can verify if we are in-network by contacting your health insurance and giving them our practice name (Northwood Chiropractic and Wellness) or the provider's name (Dr. Greg Beenken). Each carrier is different you may see one of these names or both.

We do a health insurance benefits analysis for every new client as part of your experience with us and any necessary pre-authorizations!

If we are not in-network with your insurance, then we will bill to your insurance as an out-of-network provider or can offer a self-pay plan that may be of greater value to you.

Q3: I was in a car crash or fender bender and my body hurts, how much does it cost to see you?

If your claim is open with car insurance and injuries were reported to them, then your care with us is covered 100%. You will never receive a bill from us.

Q4: I was hurt at work. Can I come see you as a part of work comp and what does it cost me to see you?

Yes, you can as long as you haven't seen any other chiropractor for your injuries. Worker's compensation claims are covered 100% for the first 3 months. You will never receive a bill from us. 

Q5: I am on a MN State Medical Assistance (Medicaid) health insurance plan, what does it cost me to become a patient?

Medicaid recipient costs can vary from no cost to you or a low co-pay. Any services that are recommended, but are not covered will be made known to you before the service is provided for your informed consent.

Q6: I am on Medicare and have a Medicare Part C Supplement, what does it cost me to become a patient?

Medicare will only accept chiropractic adjustments. The consultation and exam are not covered. Any necessary x-ray images taken by a chiropractor are not covered. Any other services that are recommended, but are not covered, will be made known to you before the service is provided for your informed consent. Estimated cost for a new client with Medicare starts at $115 and can be up to for the consult, exam, and a doctor's recommendation to get well.

Q7: Do you do manual (hands on) adjustments?

Yes, it's used 99.9% of the time. We also use other techniques as well using tools, that may be of benefit to certain patients and is dependent on age, overall health, and preference.

Q8: Can I just walk-in and be seen?

We operate by appointment only for extreme time convenience, you'll never experience an office visit as smooth as ours. However, you are more than welcome to walk-in but get ready for some paperwork, but in all honesty to save your time and energy it's best to contact us or schedule online.

Q9: Do you do the ring dinger?

YouTube has popularized a number of things, the Ring Dinger, is one of them. No, we don't offer the ring dinger. We do offer non-surgical spinal decompression which is much more effective at rehabilitating disc injuries than yanking you across a table for likes and subscribers. 

Q10: Can you do what my last chiropractor did?

There are so many different techniques and approaches to care. When working with people who are transferring their care from a different office we understand their familiarity and may have a strong preference to their adjustments. We do our best to address this. In some cases, it's a yes, we can provide a similar level of care. In most cases, however, the health status of the patient has changed and the same thing they've been doing for a decade is out-dated and there is a better way to address their concerns.

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